πŸŽ‰ Conda 23.3.1 & conda-build 3.24.0 Releases

March releases are here! Both conda 23.3.1 and conda-build 3.24.0 are now available on both main and conda-forge:

To update conda run:

conda install -n base conda=23.3.1

To update conda-build run:

conda install -n base conda-build=3.24.0

Both conda and conda-build have dropped Python 3.7 support and efforts are underway to add Python 3.11 support for the May release. Conda and conda-build continue to deprecate and remove old, unused, and outdated code (e.g. conda-build drops conda <4.13 logic).

Conda adds improved error messages for environment creation via conda env create, introduces new configuration parameters, adds 64-bit RISC-V architecture compatibility, enhances code coverage, and adds experimental support for faster repodata.json parsing via incremental fetching.

Conda-build addresses a Git LFS failure, reduces false-positives when detecting Perl modules in conda skeleton cpan, and starts to address a subdir issue with testing downstream packages.

Checkout conda’s changelogs for 23.3.0 and 23.3.1 and conda-build’s changelog for 3.24.0 for a complete list of improvements.

Snake away!


Here’s a less than two minute screen capture demonstrating the speed difference between conda search -c conda-forge "conda>23" in conda 23.1 and the new 23.3.1 release on an empty cache. On my machine it takes 16.9 seconds on conda 23.1 but only 5.9 seconds on conda 23.3.1.


That’s good news! Thank you all.
Please confirm or correct: these updates are also compatible with a miniconda distribution.

Yes, you should be able to upgrade conda inside the base environment of any miniconda or anaconda distribution. Some users have found that it is necessary to pass --repodata-fn=repodata.json to solve the upgrade based on all packages instead of those in the smaller current_repodata.json.

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