Where is python_min defined?

According to:

I’m supposed to use:

- python >={{ python_min }}

for noarch: python packages.

However, when I do that, I get

Failed to render jinja template in /home/conda/recipe_root/meta.yaml: 'python_min' is undefined

so I can set it in the recipe, but doesn’t that defeat teh purpose??

where is that supposed to be set?

NOTE: the linter tells me I should do that following the instructions, so it’s a bit odd that it doesn’t actually work :slight_smile:

Hi Chris,

do you have a link to the failing PR?

Generally speaking, python_min comes from the global pinning at conda-forge-pinning-feedstock/recipe/conda_build_config.yaml at caf330cb15999f312a5b6ad6fb03bf44aba2b8b6 · conda-forge/conda-forge-pinning-feedstock · GitHub.

Rerender the feedstock after adding python_min. conda-smithy needs to re-read the meta.yaml and adjust your .ci_support files to include the relevant variables obtained from the global pinnings Klaus is referring to.

@jaimergp : Thanks! that must be it – it was rerendered recently, but not after I added the variable – I always get confused about when / how to rerender. I thought it would be there whether it was used or not.

And I’m now seeing the bot is doing this for me on other recipes …

Yea I also forgot myself :grimacing: Rule of thumb is:

  • Did you edit conda-forge.yml? Rerender.
  • Did you edit conda_build_config.yam? Rerender.
  • Did you add/edit/remove any Jinja variables or selectors in meta.yaml? Rerender.
  • Something doesn’t seem to be working? Rerender :joy: