Which miniconda install for Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS in Parallels on Apple M3

I am running Unbuntu using Parallels on an Apple M3 laptop, with python 3.10.12. Downloaded I got is an x86-64 version. Didn’t see a different version that seemed to make sense. Thanks.

Oh, I tried the x86-64 version of Unbuntu, which seems to run in emulation mode. It was unusably slow.

You should run arm Ubuntu in parallels, not x86-64, then things should be better.

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Thanks Cornelius. I had tried that but running the entire Linux OS in what I believe is emulation mode was a performance killer. I get much better performance running the Conda environment in emulation mode in MacOS. Just trying to get out of emulation mode so the app I’m using runs better.

I often run Linux environments with Docker aarch64 images. There are Miniforge images for this architecture if you ever need something like that.